Be the driving force of your enterprise!

Whether you manage a company or an NPO, your job is to reach its objectives. That's what we call being the driving force of your enterprise: overseeing its strategy and daily operations.

We are here to:


Free you from support tasks

Especially accounting, which then becomes a tool that can inform and serve you.


Help you to grow your business

In the short and medium term.


Favor your personal development

Shaken by increasingly challenging economic conditions and inflexible administration.

We are here to:


Free you from support tasks

Especially accounting, which then becomes a tool that can inform and serve you.


Help you to grow your business

In the short and medium term.


Favor your personal development

Shaken by increasingly challenging economic conditions and inflexible administration.







A solid foundation to support your business strategy

A solid foundation to support your business strategy

The Costmasters story

After seven years in Finance with international companies (Darty and L'Oréal), Charles Markowicz founded Costmasters in 1994. Over the years, this accounting and tax firm has developed two areas of expertise which are reflected in the high-performance services offered to SMEs active in Belgium.


. Tax and accountancy  

Accounting and taxation form the first axis of services to businesses, companies and non-profit organizations. Beyond relieving them of legal obligations (VAT, tax declarations, etc.), the firm's employees provide knowledge and expertise, particularly in tax matters.


. Part-time virtual chief financial officer

Most SMEs simply cannot afford a CFO, but they would like to benefit from such skills, even if only on a small scale. This is why we have developed VCFO, a “virtual” CFO service on a very part-time basis, from as little as two hours per month.


. Expert witness or technical advisor

Our second service axis is the conflict resolution center, where we respond to the concerns of individuals, companies and courts with regard to accounting and financial matters. Since 1996 we have acted as legal expert for the Belgian courts and technical adviser for individuals or companies involved in conflicts. We also act as certified mediators trained in civil and commercial mediation. We promote amicable resolutions without neglecting the primary interests of our clients.

Are you experiencing an accounting or tax problem, whether one-off or structural? Would you like to strengthen your management, take a step back? Are you in the grip of a conflict with a shareholder, supplier or ex-partner, that you would like to resolve in your best interests?

Each situation is unique in the matters we deal with, and your questions need specific answers. Don't hesitate to contact us.

Chales Markowicz Costmasters

Charles Markowicz

Certified ITAA accountant
Expert witness
Certified mediator

The Costmasters story

After seven years in Finance with international companies (Darty and L'Oréal), Charles Markowicz founded Costmasters in 1994. Over the years, this accounting and tax firm has developed two areas of expertise which are reflected in the high-performance services offered to SMEs active in Belgium.


. Tax and accountancy

Accounting and taxation form the first axis of services to businesses, companies and non-profit organizations. Beyond relieving them of legal obligations (VAT, tax declarations, etc.), the firm's employees provide knowledge and expertise, particularly in tax matters.


. Part-time virtual chief financial officer

Most SMEs simply cannot afford a CFO, but they would like to benefit from such skills, even if only on a small scale. This is why we have developed VCFO, a “virtual” CFO service on a very part-time basis, from as little as two hours per month.


.Expert witness or technical advisor

Our second service axis is the conflict resolution center, where we respond to the concerns of individuals, companies and courts with regard to accounting and financial matters. Since 1996 we have acted as legal expert for the Belgian courts and technical adviser for individuals or companies involved in conflicts. We also act as certified mediators trained in civil and commercial mediation. We promote amicable resolutions without neglecting the primary interests of our clients.

Are you experiencing an accounting or tax problem, whether one-off or structural? Would you like to strengthen your management, take a step back? Are you in the grip of a conflict with a shareholder, supplier or ex-partner, that you would like to resolve in your best interests?

Each situation is unique in the matters we deal with, and your questions need specific answers. Don't hesitate to contact us.

Chales Markowicz Costmasters

Charles Markowicz

Certified ITAA accountant
Expert witness
Certified mediator





Formation aux marchés publics : le contrôle des prix, pour l’OECCBB



Lancement de la saison 1 de notre chronique « le regard de l’Eco » sur BxFM, à écouter ici



Analyse financière et médiation, pour bMediation



Les demandes d’indemnisations en 4 étapes, pour Esimap



Marchés publics et contrôle des prix, pour Politeia



Les alternatives à la faillite, pour BECI, Anthemis, bMediation



Conférence sur la valorisation des actifs incorporels pour le Forum for the Future



Les modifications de marché et clauses de réexamen, pour Esimap



Construire un accord ou démonter un conflit, Université de Jérusalem



Circonstances imprévisibles, ordre de suspension et faits des parties en cours d’exécution du marché : quel impact ? Avec Maître Patrick Thiel, avocat




Preventing conflicts in a contractual relationship, during the Belgian Mediation Week, for the Conference of the Young Bar of Brussels



Compensating public works companies in the event of work delays, Forum for the Future



“Compensation of economic operators”, with lawyer Patrick Thiel, Esimap




"Advising your clients on the right way to resolve their conflicts," with lawyers and mediators Marie Dupont and Gil Knops, Chiffres et Lois



“Elements of financial analysis in mediation,” bMediation



“10 concepts to help our clients resolve their conflicts,” Forum for the Future



"Preventing conflicts in a contractual environment," with lawyer and mediator Steve Griess, Chiffres et Lois



“Compensation of economic operators," with lawyer Valentine de Francquen, Esimap



“Can you influence the mediator?" with lawyers and mediators Marie Dupont and Steve Griess, Chiffres et Lois



“Compensate damage without granting more” (Belgian Construction Law Association), an afternoon on how to calculate compensation and the "Flamme" formula.


Tax and Accountancy

After 20 years of working at Larcier, I have visited and known many tax firms. Yet I remember one and only one . . . Costmasters! Since then I have given them my business without the slightest hesitation, and the service I get is the best there is! I can really move ahead with confidence today.

Danielle G.
Self-employed professional
Dear Sir, My wife and I thank you for helping us get out of trouble. Yours faithfully,

Dominique M.
Private individual
A very big thank you! My secretary general is very pleased with this new monthly reporting system 🤗.

R. D.
Charles is a bright, highly skilled professional, with a deep expertise and allways customer focused. I would highly reccomend him and Costmasters as a very effective and value for money accounting and tax advisor.

Dan B.
SME Owner
I would like to strongly recommend Charles. Charles is a bright spirit, thinks fast, is very creative, very helpful, and has a deep expertise (accounting, tax, finance, etc.). Charles is a king !!!
P. D.

Expert witness

Dear Expert, Thank you for your diligence and dedication. I hope to have the opportunity (and why not several times?) to meet you again.
A. B.
Hello Mr. Markowicz, Thank you for your visit yesterday. As a result, we managed to reach an agreement on the value of our company's shares. All I have to do now is write a shareholders' agreement.
J. D.
Business owner
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the expert for his action as an amicable mediator, not only in the context of the valuation of the company's shares, which was his mission, but also in his assertion to the parties of their interest in seeking a global solution.

C. B.
I wanted to personally thank you for your handling of this affair. I very much appreciated your impartiality in the management of the exchanges. At the beginning I was very worried about the nationalism I had encountered in Spain last year. Thank you warmly for your professionalism.

G. B.
Thank you very much for your work as expert. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the quality of your work in this matter. Take good care and all the best for you.

K. L.

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